Tickets on sale now on the Noir Arts and Oddities Facebook Page and Eventbrite.
This beginner’s class covers all of the basics of small mammal taxidermy. All materials for the class will be provided including an ethically obtained mouse that students will work on from start to finish to learn the process of skinning, preserving the flesh, building a form, mounting and posing the mouse, and finishing techniques. Students will leave at the end of the day with their very own taxidermied mouse and the knowledge to continue to create future mounts.
This is a beginner’s class, no experience required. This class is 18+ We will be covering the entire process from start to finish including skinning the animal, gore is minimal but this class may not be for everyone.
A wood base will be provided to display your mouse on. You decide how to pose your mouse, mount a natural lifelike mouse or give him a mustache and glasses! Students are encouraged to bring any small props they want to use with their mount.
No dangerous chemicals are used in this class
Gloves will be provided, students may want to bring an apron if desired
A notebook, pen, and camera are recommended for taking notes
The mice are disease-free and are not killed for the purpose of this class.
The mice are provided, please don’t bring any dead ( or live) animals to class.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
12:00 PM – 5PM CDT